Tuesday, June 26, 2018

In addition to Youtube @ https://youtube.com/GreatGizaPyramid , I now have videos on:

 d.tube @ https://d.tube/#!/c/greatgizapyramid (must be all lower case)

 BitChute @  https://www.bitchute.com/channel/GW3CPdTGGufY/
 Start Here: https://www.bitchute.com/accounts/referral/giza/

as well as Vimeo @ https://vimeo.com/GreatGizaPyramid

If you recommend another, I can add that to the list.

I thank you all for your viewing support, and am always open to answer questions and glad to speak with anyone interested.

Soon as I can, I will be building a model that is as close to the configuration of the structures on the Giza plateau as I can and will show they they function as they where constructed without need for modifications.

I hope to replace some of the older video with better audio quality and updated/corrected information and soon to have a text version so it can be translated into other languages easier.

I ask that you aid me by joining or more of the other video platforms so I can get feedback on the quality of the platforms, as well as in the event one or more of the other platforms go under.

Thank you again,
(657)229-GIZA contact.giza.ws
GMT-5 / UTC-5

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